Effective Building Envelope Product Solutions Effective Building Envelope Product Solutions BPS Group Inc. is an independent sales and marketing agency specializing in building envelope product sales. Get Started

We are representatives for manufacturers that produce building products of exceptional quality for commercial, industrial, and residential construction markets.

BPS Group Inc. is proud to partner with leading manufacturers of high-quality building materials.

Atlas is an innovative, customer-oriented provider of asphalt shingles, roof underlayments, rigid expanded polystyrene and polyiso insulation, geofoam, cold chain, protective packaging, lost foam, and cutting-edge coated and paper facers and underlayments for a diverse set of markets.

HomeGuard provides quality building and construction materials that will protect your investment while under construction and after completion. HomeGuard Housewrap products are installed behind the exterior cladding to create a secondary weather barrier.

Not only does HomeGuard routinely offer high-quality products and stellar service, but our products will assist in protecting your building from water damage, mould and mildew. This ensures that your home’s air quality is in tip-top shape, always.

HomeGuard is a division of EPAK who has offered stellar commercial packaging and wrapping materials since 1906.

Our Services

Market Development

Product Promotion


Technical Support



Polyiso Roof Insulation

Tapered Polyiso Roof Insulation

Nailable Polyiso Roof Insulation

Polyiso Wall Insulation

Do you have a product question? Installation or technical questions? Would you like to request a product presentation? Need Product Samples?

Give us a call or send us an email.